61 replies on “Contact”

  1. Cory,

    I sat in on your ‘Designing Safe Web Applications’ presentation today at KCDC. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to send me the presentation. Excellent job by the way. It was definitely one of the more interesting presentations I got to sit through this weekend!


    Drew Butler

  2. Hey i was at St.Louis Days of Dot Net and was wondering where your feedback links were for that? I see the KC ones. wanted to give you high marks but didnt have the links. Thanks for a great session…. rocked my development world!

  3. Hi Cory,

    Saw your site & am interested in talking with you about a speaking opportunity. Could you send me an e-mail so I can give you more details? I couldn’t find any other direct contact info. for you. Thanks!


  4. Was at Code PoLousa and saw your discussion about being an outlier. I am currently a control engineer with a sub set of my responsibility being PC software development. I can’t tell you how many points you made that rang true with how my new life focus (software development). However, one point you made about news being a zero sum gain had me off guard. I have since reflected and now see how much time I waste on consuming news. I wanted to thank you for a great speech and the wake up call on trimming things like news from my time.

    1. Wow, thanks for the great feedback Kurt! It’s really encouraging to hear it was helpful, especially since I know there’s some controversy mixed in there. Regarding the point about news, here’s the article I referenced that totally changed my views. It takes an admittedly strict stand, but I had to admit after reflection that I agree with the premise. It’s ultimately not solely about the merits of news, it’s about the merits of being biased toward production and selective about consumption. News doesn’t make that cut for me.

      Thanks again!

    1. Hi Dennis,

      That’s a great read! It’s nice to hear that the ideas had a practical impact. The project you described sounds very familiar. I really found putting the presentation together forced me to justify architectural decisions in a way I hadn’t previously and will help me avoid going overboard in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

  5. A former supervisor of mine suggested I subscribe to several blogs as part of a performance appraisal task so I thought this one would be good. However, the blog owner last posted on 4/30. I was hoping for at least weekly posts.. :)))))

  6. Hi cory,
    I watched your clean code course on pluralsight.
    it is really good. you presented it in a simple and efficient way. I would like to see more courses from you in pluralsight. Is there any second part for clean code course ?.

    1. Thanks Rama! I’m currently working on my next Pluralsight course called “Pragmatic Architecture in .NET”. It will launch in early December. If I were to do a followup clean code course, what topics would you like to see covered?

      Thanks again for the feedback!

  7. Awesome talk about your KnockoutJS case study. You covered a lot of different SPA frameworks in your slides along with supplemental tools for those frameworks. Was hoping you would post your slides soon.

    I know you were saying you thought AngularJS was going to likely be the dominant SPA framework in years to come, but was hoping to get your feedback on KnockoutJS and SignalR integration considering the engineers of both frameworks work at Microsoft and Microsoft includes it when creating a new ASP.NET MVC framework.

    1. Thanks Brandon! Sorry, the link to the slides is now up here at the bottom of the presentations page.

      Regarding the integration of the two, SignalR should work very naturally with any of the SPA frameworks but I don’t have any personal experience to share on this yet. I’m hoping to integrate SignalR in the next few weeks so I’ll let you know if I find any quirks.

  8. Cory,
    I’ve enjoyed reading through your blog. Would you be able to email me? I’ve got some technical questions you might be able to help me with. It would be much appreciated.

  9. Cory,

    My friends and I just sat through your ‘Pragmatic Architechture in .Net’ talk at Codemash and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately we ran short of time and you had to fast-foward through some slides I was really interested in. Would you mind sending me (1) the ORM vs no ORM slide and (2) the slide with the 2 books.

    But if you don’t mind me sharing your slide show with my department, I would love to have the whole thing.

    Thanks for the best session at Codemash
    (so far…)


  10. Cory,

    I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed both of your sessions at Code Mash last week.

    Your architecture talk was easily my favorite session of the conference. (Unfortunately, you ran out of Plural Sight cards before I had a chance to talk to you afterwards.)

    I actually didn’t realize that you were the speaker of the “Outlier” session, so I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into the room and saw you. That session ended up being either my 2nd or 3rd favorite of the week – and will probably be the one I think about the most going forward.

    Anyways thanks for speaking, and passing on your lessons learned. I plan to sign up for the free trial on Plural Sight, once I decide which of your talks I want to spend my 200 minutes on.

    -Mark Harris

  11. Cory, were you going to post your presentation from CodeMash 2014 somewhere? I thought it was great.

    Thanks, Dave.

  12. Hi Cory,

    I just saw your presentation to the IA .Net User group yesterday and I’m interested having you present to the rest of my team. Could you contact me via e-mail to discuss a possible speaking engagement?



  13. hi mr cory
    i am a programmer in c#
    i see Architecting Applications for the Real World in .NET
    it is very very usefull for me
    tank you
    I love you guys more things to learn

  14. Hi Cory, firstly well done for the Pluralsight Clean VCode course, I watched it earlier today and found it very useful. I have recently started programming (C# MVC) after changing career (I used to be a truck driver). I need all the help I can get with programming as I was in my 40’s when I started and am not as quick to learn things as I used to be when I was younger. Any advice you can offer will be gratefully received.

  15. Hi Cory

    I have 14 years of experience in Software development now. And wanted to become software architect. Can you please guide, how I can become an architect.

  16. Cory,

    just listened to the Hello World podcast. Your views on web development, frontend vs backend and the freedom of Javascript resonated with me and my latest work experiences. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story.

  17. Just took your course on Pluralsight, “Building a JavaScript Development Environment.” Great course. Brought the whole thing together for me. About to take your course on React and Redux.

    I did have one question, being somewhat of a newbie, is it bad practice to place the gitrepo on the web server itself?

  18. Hi Cory, thanks for you efforts and all the courses you do.
    I have a question, do we really need all these big, sometimes complicated, JS frameworks and steps to produce an app?.
    The approach that we’re taking now in our company that every thing should be processed and happen on server API, UI is only a way to get the data and show it to the users.
    And this is real till now, we didn’t need a really heavy process or complexity in the client side.
    Can you please explain to me why I need to move the complexity to client side ?
    Or can you direct me to an open source project where I can see it in code ?


  19. Hello, I took your Redux course and pluralsight and loved but I have a question on the React Slingshot project, how would I be able to use gzip compression on that project?

  20. Hi Cory,
    I’m new to React and loving your Pluralsight course on Redux & ES6. Clear instructions and easy to follow along.
    I have mainly focused on “Building Applications with React and Redux in ES6” this plural course.
    Really, you did a good job on it. It will very helpful to me.
    Right now, I am working on configuration of your course example with my web services and store and retrieve data from MySQL database. I have done it with insert, update and view data from DB. Now, my concern is that I need to full example of your above demo. You had given the challenge to complete but I have stuck with this delete functionality.

    Can you provide me the link or right path to go ahead? I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks a lot once again for the beautiful tutorial..!


      1. Hi Cory,

        Thanks lot for replay..!
        The main thing is that, I have completed Delete Functionality with database relation. Your kind co-operation help me lot.


  21. Hi Cory
    Currently going thru your pluralsight course “Building Applications with React and Flux”. Its a great course, thanks. However one small correction if I may, in Section 7 on React Router, in the Demo: Transitions section, afraid you’ve allowed an error to creep thru. You’ve got transition.about() instead of transition.abort(). Because this is also going to a route that has “about” as its name, it kind of makes it look like maybe more is going on than a typo.

    I’ve logged it out though, and it is incorrect, and it should read transition.abort().

    I checked the follow along exercise code, and afraid that too has the same error.

    Anyhow, wanted to mention to you so can be updated.

    Apart from this, the course is good and am liking it. In fact thats why I’ve mentioned the error to keep it at its high standard.

  22. Hi Cory

    I am going through your course in pluralsight โ€œBuilding Applications with React and Fluxโ€. Having difficulty to show the “Home” component in index.html file.

    I followed each step, build the application using gulp. I see all the JS are concatenated into bundle.js file, wondering how “require” will get the homePage component from that reference.

    var React = require(“react”);
    var Home = require(“./components/homePage”);

    React.render(, document.getElementById(“app”));

    Can you please help me to unblock from this issue?


  23. Hi Cory,

    I have created a sign-in react application using create-react-app. Let’s say I need to deliver the sign-in code to 10 customers. In the current scenario, I need to go to my code each and every time and remove the old customer name, Logo, background images etc to make things suit for the new customer and I will build the application then I will deliver the code. Is there any automation possible to handle this situation?

    we need a code in such a way that the code is fixed constantly with some placeholders and through npm or Node commands can we get the input from the user such as name, address etc and create a customized app for the particular customer without touching the code?

    Can you please help me with this if its possible ?

  24. Hello Cory, you have been doing very well. I just wonder on one missing part in React Courses. There is no such course that elaborate on how we can setup React-Redux application that is served via Node.js (Express). I mean a Node.js web server that sends/render a page which actually includes a react-application. The React application should be built and compiled separately, and bundled (in one or multiple JS files – multiple files is separate, for different pages). And this client side react.js (bundled/compiled) will be used by Express to serve as normal HTML so it reflect more like a desktop like application experience to the users.

  25. Hi Cory,
    I have enjoyed your course “Building a JavaScript Development Environment” on Pluralsite. I have modified your code to work only for API development without the front end. I need your help on how to switch between the real database and the mock data. How can I get help on this?

  26. Hey Corey, I’m looking at your React-Slingshot project and I was wondering if you have any good resources to use it with a Spring-Boot backend. Thank you.

  27. I try to study react for 4 month and didn’t get it til I found your React Redux tutorial. Just have to say Thank you and have one question that do you have a plan for Create React App in SSR tutorial? I really want to learning it from you. Thank <3

  28. Hi Cory

    just finished the Building a Javascript env course

    Saved me a few months of understanding JavaScript mess ๐Ÿ™‚

    Is it possible for you to update the source with the right versions etc?

    how do you do it in your local copy?

    Also – is this up to date with the latest in JavaScript world?

    thanks and appreciate any help

  29. hi cory,

    I am just wrapping up your Building a JavaScript Development Environment on pluralSight. It a very nice course. Very well done.

    Do you have any plans to update the course for the latest tools and packages? When I tried to update the package files to the latest, I ended up breaking everything. I had to back-off and go back to the old versions.

  30. Corey,
    I have taken several of your Plurasight courses and they have been very helpful. I wanted to let you know however, that your articles that you post to Medium related sites don’t come through to my work computer due to Internet Content Filter Appliance at work blocking Medium access. In the case of the article I was looking up regarding centralizing React Prop Types, the text of the article came done, but the stylesheet and images didn’t. You may want to consider alternative hosting or make sure content is still readable for those without the images and stylesheets. I have tried many times to get the content filtering adjusted, but because Medium also hosts non-work questionable content, the HR department feels it isn’t allowable for work environment. The blocking affects all Medium related sites, not just Medium itself.

  31. Hi Cory,

    I just finished webcomponent course on pluralsight.
    In that course, you mentioned about javascript is not encapsulated and provided ways to encapsulate it. I have question here – If i create 2 web components using the some JS libraries but with different versions,will there be a chance to escape the variables / functions out of JS encapsulation pattern (module pattern, IIFE)? for example assume those libraries attach functions and variables to window objects.

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